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第207 二十二1(第2/3 页)

最新其他类型小说: 出嫁当天换驸马,渣男全家火葬场被逼换嫁,我捡到了少年权臣我在污染世界当兵的那些年怎么办,粉丝每天都在催我们结婚一人:罗天大醮,我召唤了张怀义【咒回】咒术师哪有不疯的向神尊丢出一只小狐狸!快穿帝女谋权替嫁嫡女要称帝小道姑送上门萧总低声轻哄拿命宠至高母神的呼唤欲撩太子,猫猫她又软又娇转生异界精灵魔女七零空间:福运小娇妻女尊:大佬逃荒种田宠夫郎换亲首长,海岛大院来了俏佳人阔野穿成超稀有雌性,我被全星际觊觎92繁华:大亨崛起穿书七零:小军嫂带着超市赚翻了一只小小丫

their discussion and explored new ways to enhance family cohesion and personal growth. -Qiao Jingjing: At noon, can we set up a "family growth tree"? Every family member can record his growth and learning experience on it. Time: It's a good idea to grow a tree. We can plant a tree in the garden or get a decorative tree at home to symbolize the growth of our family. Qiao Jingjing: We can also set up a "Family Challenge Month" and set a new challenge every month, such as learning a new skill or pleting a project.Continue the conversation between Qiao Jingjing and Time Division. They are planning more innovative family activities. -Time: Jingjing, can we set up a "Family Library Day"? Choose one day a week as library day and the whole family will go to the library together. Qiao Jingjing: Library Day can immerse us in the ocean of books, which is a great idea. We can also set up a family reading list to see who reads more books. Time: Yes, we can also set up




