首页 > 其他类型 > 金融整改违规信贷 > 第4章 个人信息泄露和滥用APP背后存在非法借贷犯罪

第4章 个人信息泄露和滥用APP背后存在非法借贷犯罪(第6/19 页)

最新其他类型小说: 烈焰狂潮之我是指挥官末日生存游戏之时光酒店狼牙兵王狼神传规则怪谈:可莉也想在怪谈里炸鱼全民疯狗一条见人就杀汉代名相录重生之我在游戏世界当丧尸看书与不看书的距离:两个世界果郡王重生后,甄嬛无敌了原神:罪人共舞抱歉,我是神梦幻西游:我的物品有隐藏属性五年守门,三年重选兽世最强雌性,大佬们显形求抱抱女儿直播惊悚,我阎王身份被曝光贫道报仇,从不隔夜!盗墓人家五带一,我怎么一带五啊奥特大剪辑:盘点光之国裂开了!斗罗:绝世唐门之我拥有三生武魂

Disguised as a waitress, Sarah observed Max discreetly while he unsuspectingly walked into the cafe. She approached his table, pretending to take his order, but in reality, she slipped a small GPS tracking device into his briefcase. With this, she could monitor his movements during and after their meeting.

As the conversation progressed, Max revealed the extent of his illegal activities. He openly boasted about exploiting people's financial vulnerabilities, charging exorbitant interest rates, and manipulating the system to avoid detection. Sarah's blood boiled with anger, but she maintained her posure, secretly recording the conversation.

Once they concluded their meeting, Max left, unaware of the evidence mounting against him. Sarah immediately turned the recording over to her superiors, who swiftly organized a raid on Max's operation. The raid was a success, resulting in the arrest of Max and his network of acplices.

With Max behind bars, Sarah




