首页 > 耽美小说 > 重生后认真宠媳妇(abo/bdsm/sp) > 一同性恋权益与女性的权益(十分偏激的个人感想

一同性恋权益与女性的权益(十分偏激的个人感想(第2/2 页)

最新耽美小说小说: 代号鸢之春梦有痕【邵黎辛】混乱关系【名柯】触手怪的我有了一个弟弟同人万华镜【综合】月份和节日系列特传-冰冷的心与背叛【网王越前龙马】美美奶八与他的十二个老公【svt总受】提瓦特禁书目录(cp很多看简介)【all萧炎】飞升后我分化了?黄金法环只是情人的关系同人 番外合集综漫 攻略女主的集邮手册【FF14】拉瓦尔桃色大冒险合集!葫芦娃葫芦娃【原神】艾尔海森的108种食用方式&&mob海重生长公主的日常:今时燕【狂飙】【高启盛乙女GB】杉月栖我心

u even realize that won are al huan begs who have their own thoughts and totally have the abilities to ake rational choices for theselves? why are you nstantly tellg what to do for our body and whether we should e ntraceptions? the vaes of won are not only liited to bearg children for n

你有没有意识到,女人也是人,她们有自己的思想,完全有能力为自己做出理性的选择。为什么你要来告诉我们,该怎么保护我们的身体,以及是否应该使用避孕用品? 女性的价值不仅仅局限于为男性生育。

we are the enty first century, and i thk the achievents that won have done every sgle career have already proven that won have thg way ore iportant to do than stayg at ho and ttg ipregnated

you are cig that this is becae of christianity, that this is becae of the god god loves every sgle huan beg, and you are not nsiderg ority groups as huan begs

you are denyg the basic huan rights of won

you deny that won are huans

you deny that ority groups are huans

you want to deny that gay people should have the rights to love whoever they want to love





